Reuters: The renminbi question has been the focus of world attention, with many foreign trading partners urging China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate. 总理先生,人民币的汇率问题一直是国际上很关心的一个问题,中国很多重要的贸易伙伴都敦促中国要采取更为灵活的人民币汇率机制,但是中国说这将是一个长期的过程。
As Chinese leaders have told me, this five-year plan will require them to take a number of steps including continuing their effort to move toward a more flexible exchange rate. 中国领导人曾对我所说,这个五年计划将要求他们采取一些措施,其中包括继续努力实现更灵活的汇率。
With a more flexible exchange rate, China will no longer accumulate large foreign exchange reserves, reducing its contribution to global current account imbalances. 更灵活的汇率将使中国不再积累大量外汇储备,减少其对全球经常账户失衡的贡献。
He said he had tried to explain to the Chinese that it was "in their own interests" to have a more flexible exchange rate and a faster appreciation of the currency. 卡恩表示,他曾努力向中方表明,提高汇率灵活度及加快人民币升值步伐“符合他们的自身利益”。
An independent monetary policy geared to domestic objectives would better serve the Chinese economy – but require a flexible exchange rate system, the paper's authors conclude. 报告作者断言,适应国内目标的独立的货币政策将对中国经济更有利,但要有一个灵活的汇率制度。
Two weeks after Beijing ended the dollar peg and adopted a more flexible exchange rate policy, the renminbi has appreciated only 0.3 per cent against the dollar. 当中国不再把人民币与美元挂钩、并采取更富弹性汇率政策两周后,人民币兑美元仅升值0.3%。
The flexible exchange rate has given the UK autonomy. 弹性汇率赋予了英国以自主权。
That implies China still needs a more flexible exchange rate so it can lift interest rates while those in America remain low. 这意味着中国还需要一个更为灵活的汇率机制,从而能够在美国维持低利率时升息。
Although the global economy has deteriorated, paradoxically, conditions are better than a year ago for moving to a more flexible exchange rate system. 尽管全球经济有所恶化,但说起来有点悖理的是,就建设更具弹性的汇率机制而言,当前的形势却比一年前更有利。
It boasts moderate inflation, sober public finances and a partially flexible exchange rate. 巴西通胀率较低,公共财政稳健,汇率有一定的灵活性。
But if this move generates momentum towards a more flexible exchange rate, it could help achieve some important objectives. 但如果这一步能产生一种动力,让人民币汇率更加灵活,那么这将对今后一些重要目标起到帮助。
While all key stakeholders continue bluffing regarding the real economic situation politicians blithely call this "spreading optimism" the exchange rates of the CEE countries are doing their job for them ( at least in those with a flexible exchange rate). 尽管所有关键的利益相关者继续在实际经济形势问题上虚张声势政客们愉快地将之称作“播撒乐观情绪”但中东欧国家的汇率在替他们发挥作用(至少在那些实行浮动汇率的国家)。
Mr Chen said he did not oppose a stronger renminbi but felt it should not appreciate "excessively" while Chinese businesses and banks adjusted to a more flexible exchange rate regime. 陈德铭表示,他并不反对人民币升值,但他认为,在中国各企业和银行正在适应更灵活汇率机制的时候,人民币不应该“过快”升值。
Inflation targeting with flexible exchange rate 汇率灵活的通胀目标
At the weekend, the central bank said it would introduce a more flexible exchange rate policy, signalling the end to the two-year, unofficial peg to the dollar that had been the subject of mounting international criticism. 中国央行上周末表示,将引入更富弹性的汇率政策。此举标志着,两年来人民币非正式盯住美元的政策已走向终结,该政策曾招致国际社会越来越强烈的批评。
Many economists recommend that countries should maintain stringent capital controls so long as they lack a sound and stable banking system, flexible interest rates and a flexible exchange rate a set of tools that China has yet to develop fully. 许多经济学家建议,没有一个健全、稳定的银行业体系,灵活的利率和汇率这一套工具在中国尚未发展完善的国家,应当保持严格的资本管控。
The first is a flexible exchange rate though this offers diminishing marginal returns when everyone pursues the same policy. 第一是汇率灵活尽管当所有国家都追求同一政策时,其边际回报率会下降。
Movements in the Chinese currency have been under intense scrutiny this week after the central bank announced on Saturday that it would introduce a more flexible exchange rate regime. 自上周六中国央行宣布将增强人民币汇率弹性以来,人民币汇率走势一直受到密切关注。
The move towards more flexible exchange rate regimes has been motivated to a large extent by the hope that giving up an explicit exchange rate target would allow policy-makers to exert a greater degree of monetary policy autonomy by focusing its monetary policy decisions on domestic economic objectives. 之所以趋向于浮动汇率制度,在很大程度上是因为希望通过放弃明确的汇率盯住目标会使货币政策制定者能够有更大程度的货币政策自主性,货币政策的制定注重本国的经济目标。
Without a more flexible exchange rate, there is a growing risk that China's sizzling economy will boil over. 没有一个更为灵活的汇率,是有越来越大的风险,中国的炒热经济将烧开了。
A more developed financial infrastructure is also a prerequisite for the market-based monetary policy, including a flexible exchange rate regime, that China needs. 中国需要市场化的货币政策(包括灵活的汇率机制),而提高金融基础设施的现代化程度,也是实现这一目标的必要条件。
Some steps can prepare the way for china's transition to a flexible exchange rate. 一些举措可以为中国向灵活汇率机制过渡做准备。
China had long insisted that it would adopt a more flexible exchange rate system, but not until it was ready. 中国长期以来坚持道,直到一切准备就绪,中国将采取更加灵活的汇率体系。
These codes, together with a flexible rate adaptation algorithm, allowed for a highly versatile variable rate configuration of the physical layer that could easily meet the flexibility needs of3G. 这些代码,再加上灵活的速率自适应算法的一个高度灵活的浮动利率允许物理层配置的灵活性,可以轻松满足需求的3G。
Ubiquitous radar is a new type of radar proposed recently, which can achieve simultaneous multi-function capability, flexible data rate and high ability in target recognition. 全时空探测雷达是近年来提出的一种新体制雷达,具有同时多功能、数据率灵活可调、目标识别能力强等优点。
Any step towards a more market-oriented, flexible exchange rate for the yuan is a positive step, but we'll probably get only a baby step. 任何迈向市场化的、灵活的人民币汇率的改革都是积极的,但是中国可能只会迈出婴儿般的一小步。
Overall, the analysis finds that adopting a more flexible exchange rate regime has not allowed countries to raise their degree of monetary policy autonomy. 总之,得出分析:采取更加浮动的汇率制度不会增加货币政策独立性的程度。
Result The group of steroid-induced have more flexible rate than traumatic group do. 结果激素组松动率大于创伤组。
We should build a flexible exchange rate policy, market decided interest rate and short money market. 为了使得资本帐户开放以后利率和汇率对经济调节作用更好地发挥,必须要进行一系列的制度性建设:实行灵活的汇率制度、利率市场化改革和短期货币市场培育。
This gun control system saves vehicle rate gyro and angle gyro and adopts only one flexible rate gyro yet achieves good performance. 系统中仅用一个速率挠性陀螺仪,取得了优良的性能,省去了坦克车体速率陀螺仪和角度陀螺仪。